Now that I´m in Seville, I suppose I should get a haircut!
We just checked into our hostel, the city seems more modern than Granada, lovely larger and less graffiti´d.
The hostel was on a little tiny side street and looking for it on a just-bought map made my eyes go dizzy. But I was never even good at Where´s Waldo. We got some help from a few loitering locals, but since there were a few turns to take, I had to hold the map out in front of me, looking very touristy as we traveled.
We found a pleasant plaza where the girls all wanted to stop and look at shalls and buttons and jewelry and I re-oriented myself -- realizing we had gone the wrong way. Fortunatly, my traveling companions were too shopped-out to noticed that once we crossed the street, I led us right back down the way we came.
I feel very, very sneaky.
The downside of this is that they might now give me more directional credit than I´m actually worth.
This map is never leaving my side.
congrats on your sneaky map skills.
Sorry you need a haircut so soon!! I guess I don't know your hair that well. :(
And I'm glad you figured out maps and such- and I think if you walked confidently around w/o looking at the map at every corner, the girls would get the wrong impression, but not the way you described.
I don´t actually need a haircut, it was an opera joke. There´s one called "The Barber of Seville."
oh, Ok.
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