Sunday, October 03, 2004


So Internet cafes are more expesive in Madrid and we´ve been coming and going so much it hasn´t been easy to get on a computer long enough to type something worthwhile out. I´m not promising that tonight will be any different.
But last night I was trying to type at a place above an arcade and the whole room would shake every two minutes or so from kids playing mallet-smashing strength games downstairs. That plus buzzing lights and flashing noise all added up to me not really being able to think.
But I´ve seen cool stuff when not in front of a screen: castles, aquaducts, Don Quixote, a whole ton of used books, more ham (jamon in spanish, I almost typed that) than I ever thought existed, and um, I don´t remember because my time is almost up.
more when I can get to it!


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