Thursday, January 06, 2005

another sort of New Year

Today is my 22nd birthday! I've felt kind of sick ever since I work up (to a phone call from the lovely Erin), and now am running a fever. A lot of plans were sort of wiped off the board since I haven't felt like eatting, or even really moving at all. So I've mostly just layed around and slept today, although I did go into Salem with my mom and sister, which was fun, and people have generally given me sympathy and let me sleep in peace, which has actually been pretty nice. My sister also made me a smoothy since the idea of eatting anything else sort of makes me want to vomit. I hope I am better by tomorrow when I hop on a plane to Wisconsin where I can hug my girlfriend again and then we can start Ultimate Road Trip 2005 to California! Wooo!
to me, it sounds like a cure for anything.
My mom says I shouldn't donate money to the Tsumani victims because I hardly have enough money to get by myself. So I'll have to wait until I'm working again, I suppose. But if any of you feel inclined to get me a birthday present, it sure would be great if you donated to the relief efforts instead!


At January 6, 2005 at 10:45 PM, Blogger Ed said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ARO!! and i hope that you feel better. welcome to club 22: the age where nothing really changed, and you feel like nineteen all over again, but you are completely legal. oh yes, and happy day of epiphany, too. get well now!

At January 7, 2005 at 8:18 AM, Blogger Aaron said...

Thanks, Edward! So far it's not a bad club to be in! Maybe we should have a way-belated joint party when I come back to Orange in a few weeks! It doesn't even have to be a birthday party . . . just a joint party . . . you know, we meet at some joint and party! What did you think I meant?

At January 8, 2005 at 1:21 AM, Blogger Ed said...


At January 8, 2005 at 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow Aro! OLD MAN!! I really suck at remembering birthdays. So...happy birthday late becuase I suck. I owe you and Erin a homemade dinner or something when you get back. I am so happy that you guys are coming "home"!!!!!!!!!

I would donate money for you, but alas, I am in the same boat.

At January 9, 2005 at 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Aaron!!


At January 10, 2005 at 3:49 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

thanks, everyone!
-Aaron in Minneapolis


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