Monday, October 04, 2004

Madid, but not Mad.

Today was a free day in Madrid. Here are the things that I did:

-Got a good night sleep. possibly my last for a while.
-Went to the Reina Sophia Contemporary Art museum. Saw early surrealist Spanish art, a bunch of Picasso, including Guernica. They say you can´t really appreciate that painting unless you see it in person, and I actually had to sit down after viewing it for a while just to recoup my emotions and thoughts. I like art a lot, but that doesn´t often happen to me.
-Planned on going to an Indian resturant, but realized that we had been at the art museum too long and since it was almost 4, the resturant would be closed for siesta by the time we got there. So we ended up eatting at a Planet Sandwich, some sort of branch of Planet Hollywood that only serves bland paste concoctions on crustless white bread. It was awful, but at least it was cheap.
-Went back to Reina Sophia and checked out their more modern stuff. Interesting that sometimes modern art looks more like it belongs in a science museum or a playground than a gallery. When I have my own art gallery I will let everyone play on it if they want to and yell at no one for doing what it looks like the art was made for. Why make art that looks like it was made to be walked through if the guards get made at you when you DO walk through it? sigh. some of the art was really sad, too.

ahh, this place is closing again. goodbye again for now.


At October 14, 2004 at 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that's so cool that you went to the reina sofia! i got the chance to go there when i was in madrid when i was 16, and i never forgot it! La guernica was fabulous, i had to infact get a little copy of it since it moved me so. i'm really glad you're having such an awesome time!

love ,

p.s. i think el greco is awesome, plus i liked toledo a lot too, though i was lame and didn't buy a sword when i was there, but instead settled for a pair of damascene earrings with little birdies on 'em...


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