Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Old School

So there´s a poster in the secretary´s office downstairs in the Centro de Lenguas Modernas where I come every day for classes that says:
University of Granada
450th Anniversary

and it´s from over 20 years ago.


At October 20, 2004 at 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! That's so hard to imagine. It must make you feel good to be going to a school that must be reputable enough to stick around so long! Are there buildings/classrooms that are hundreds of years old? I think it's cool to go to a school with a couple buildings from the late 1800s- how does your school compare?

At October 22, 2004 at 1:33 AM, Blogger Aaron said...

The UGR is sort of spread out all over the city with no central campus, so I´m always finding new buildings . . . there are a few which resemble old fortresses and some that look like they date to a bit more recently (like the one I take classes in).
At a meeting I went to this week the floor was made of wooden planks, and the seats and desks were all wooden and built right into the room in a sort of stadium-seating style arrangement.
It really felt like a movie set, a place you would SEE people taking classes but never actually go to class yourself!


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